Learn How To Tap Into Your Highest Work.


Have you ever wondered if you are delivering the most impactful transformation you are capable of to your clients or if you are living in your full potential as a  Teacher, Healer, Guide, Counselor, Psychotherapist/Clinician, Coach, Mystic?

Are you ready to tap into your full potential spiritually and financially as a transformational expert?

These 6 tips will help you get into alignment with what I like to call your Highest Work as a transformational expert.  

Now, what I call you Highest Work is the full expression of your gifts that help others in their transformation. 

So if you are a healer, you may have the gift to heal trough Reiki. If you are a coach, you may have the gift of leadership or if you are a modern mystic, you may have the gift of vision...

At every level of life in your career there is a "next level" expression of your unique gifts.  

The problem is, it's not always easy to understand what your Highest Work is in tangible terms.

Your highest work may consist of a combination of gifts,  ideas and tools you are learning to use. 

Our "Highest work" is not always easily understood by your ego...

But when you get aligned with your HIGHEST WORK 

  • It feels good
  • The efforts we put out feel fun
  • You are full of original ideas
  • Your clients FIND YOU (serendipitously)
  • It is lucrative


Here are 6 Tips to help you get into alignment with your Highest Work consistently 

1. Identify what kind of transformational leader you naturally are, own it and hone it.

  • Are you a Teacher, Healer, Guide, Counselor, Psychotherapist/Clinician, Coach? Get clear on this because each one delivers transformation in a different way.


  • Ask yourself how you want to deliver your insight to your audience.  Are you showing up as a LEADER, RELUCTANT HERO, REPORTER, CRUSADER? Russel Brunson talks about these in several of his marketing books.  It's important to consciously create your "attractive character" so that you know how to powerfully create and put out content.

2. Be intentional about overcoming Impostor Syndrome

Impostor syndrome holds so many transformational leaders back from creating a better world through service and from tapping into their own creative genius.

  • Understand that recycling information is ok.  Be open to letting the collective consciousness bring you creative building blocks in multiple ways, which can include you expanding on other peoples ideas and adding your own perspective. BUT you are also entitled to receiving NEW information. The creative process is very non-linear. The more YOU get into alignment within yourself, the more access you'll have to your own new creative ideas.
  • Lean into your Impostor Shadow.  Shadow work is so powerful and it can reveal so many of your hidden talents and wisdom.  At its core, facing your "Impostor Shadow" is a powerful alchemical process.  When you stop judging these aspects of yourself, it's like removing a brick wall between you and your creative inner genius. 

3. Resist Information overload 

Don't be a knowledge hoarder! Sometimes we fixate on "learning more" out of unconscious fears of not being good enough. Too much information can cram your own insight and hold you back from tapping into your full creative potential.

  • The world of spirit and thought is multi-layered and one piece of information or knowledge can be experienced in multiple ways.  Lean into Experiencing the knowledge you gain because that way you can access multiple aspects of your being: mind, body & soul.  Through experiences more transformation can happen. EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING is the next big wave.
  • Put the book down and meditate on the information you are learning and ask yourself how you can implement it immediately in your life.  If you want to learn something...teach it!

4. Lean into your spiritual practice so you can keep your channels open

You are a vehicle for your Highest Work.  

  • Consistently and consciously use your intention to ask the Universe for access and knowledge of what your Highest Work is.  Ask, "what is my Highest Work with my soul mate clients?"
  • Know that your "Highest Work" may not be easily understood by your ego. So when diving into your spiritual practices, consciously ask your ego to come along for the ride.  You will get less ego resistance.  

5. Get clear about who you are supposed to serve at the highest level

While niching down and being smart about picking a lucrative niche is important to your wallet, it is sometimes easier to do it the other way around.  Ask the Universe to reveal to you who you are here to serve at the highest level.  The Universe will respond...I promise.  You will get signs, heart-tugs, gut-calls and eventually...YOU WILL KNOW.  If you do it this way, the money will come. Here are two tools you can use to start getting clear.

  • Create your "Wheel of Fortune" (as I call it) and then a "working chart" which is a combination of the areological wheel and archetypes.  Caroline Myss, developed this process and I adapted it to my and my clients BUSINESS needs.  It's PURE clarity and guiding wisdom. You can create your wheel here...
  • Make a list of your blind spots...I know, this seems counterintuitive but if you sit yourself down and get intentional about the stuff, ideas, feelings, you suppress...you may discover some things like; "I really don't like my clients and I'm only doing it for the money" or, "I keep giving away my services to these people...why do I do that".  Those people may actually be the ones you're meant to serve. 

6. Never lean out from healing your SELF first. 

  • There are 7 steps to the alchemical process to transformation.  Stay focused on healing yourself first and the Universe will QUICKLY grant your access to your Highest Work.  You know why? Because that's part of why you are here to begin with!