How To Get Creative With Your Content


Why create content you ask, because CONTENT IS QUEEN.

You’re an expert and being an expert means you’re good at something that people are paying you to do for them. It’s good to share your expertise with the world.

In fact, when you do you are:

• Setting yourself up to be seen as an expert
• Getting people involved with your brand
• Getting people to know you, like you and trust you
• It increases your perceived value in the market
• It feels good to talk about the things that you’re passionate about


The problem is, it’s very easy to get overwhelmed and:
• You run out of ideas and you feel like you don’t know what to talk about
• You don’t want to give away your stuff for free
• You don’t know how much to give and how much is too much
• Everyone is already talking about everything…you don’t want to copy people… You want to be unique…

So, it’s time to get creative, AUTHENTIC & aligned with your inner creative muse!!

I use archetypes for all my work so if you haven’t taken the Archetype Assessment Test  you should because it will reveal your top two creative energies and those are the ones you need to be nurturing in order for your Creative Muse to bestow her genius unot you.

Here's the link to take the quiz

Each archetype has a card that show you who you are as a creator.

You can also use the cards to get ideas to create your

Some of my own rules to woo my inner creative muse into
opening the floodgates of creativity are:

1. Create content at the same time every week (hard core neuroscience here)
2. Don’t edit until the end
3. Meditate and talk to your archetypes about your content
4. Make your content-creating-time a pleasurable experience
by putting on music, burning a candle etc.


Here’s How You Kill Your Creativity:
1. Trying to be like someone else
2. Editing as you go
3. Perfectionism…."I can’t create until…."

Here’s  My Creative Process:
I like to use a mind map and I always start with one of my main
topics in the middle of the mind map. Then, I brainstorm all
kinds of spin offs.

For example if my topic is:
How To Transform Your Money Mindset.

Here are some spinoffs of from that topic:
-How your money mindset affects your pricing
-What does it mean if you feel uncomfortable saying your
-3 Secrets To Up-leveling Your Money Mindset
-5 New Ways Of ( fill in the blank)
You can go on and on…
With practice, you will be so creative and your inner creators
will give you soooo many ideas.